Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency
From the novel by Douglas Adams
By James Goss & Arvind Ethan David
Directed by Monica Gallo & Mark Todd
5 – 8 March 2025 at Drama Studio (S10 2TD)
20 Oct 2024 from 5:00pm at The Harlequin (S3 8GG)
22 Oct 2024 from 7:30pm at The Harlequin (S3 8GG)
29 Oct 2024 from 7:30pm at The Harlequin (S3 8GG)
This amateur production of “Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Samual French Ltd www.concordtheatricals.co.uk

After The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams went on to create Dirk Gently, a detective with a belief in the fundamental interconnectedness of all things, a unique relationship with the laws of probability, and a love of cats and pizza. In Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, Dirk finds himself on the trail of a gruesome murderer who is somehow involved with the works of Coleridge, quantum physics, and the enigmatic study of the Cambridge Professor of Chronology. Ultimately, the stakes of the case are far greater than a single murder, but go to the fate of life on Earth. Confused? Don’t be — everything is connected.
Named roles are as follows:
*denotes characters suitable for multi-rolling
Dirk Gently (male presenting)
A holistic detective
Janice Pierce (female presenting)
Dirk's secretary
"Reg", Professor Urban Chronotis (any gender presentation)
Regis Professor of Chronology, University of Cambridge
Richard MacDuff (male presenting)
A coder
Gordon Way (male presenting)
A tech magnate
Susan Way (female presenting)
A musician (cellist, ideally) and Gordon's sister
Michael Wenton-Weakes (male presenting)
A magazine editor
Sergeant Gilks (any gender presentation)
A plainclothes police detective
*Perkins (any gender presentation)
A police officer
*Albert Ross (male presenting)
Editor, Fathom Magazine
Sarah Androyd (female presenting)
A little girl
*Marvin Androyd (male presenting)
Sarah's father
*Watkin (male presenting)
A don
*Gordon's housekeeper (any gender presentation)
An unnamed housekeeper
*Ensemble (various gender presentations)
Waitress, bride, groom, wedding guests, dons, ghosts, aliens, etc.
All who are over the age of 18 are welcome to audition, whether you've worked with us before or are a newcomer. No prior preparation is necessary and auditions will be workshop style. You only need to attend one audition, but please try to keep yourself free for callbacks, if possible.
Callbacks are an opportunity for our directors to have another look at certain characters and test stage chemistry between actors suitable for those roles. Being called back does not guarantee a part. Equally, if you are not called back, it doesn't mean you're out of the running for getting cast. Everyone who attends auditions will have an opportunity to get cast.
If you have any accessibility needs, please get in touch via the Contact Form on our homepage, email us at thecompanysheffield@gmail.com or send us a direct message on any of our social media platforms.